Vil I som forskere blive bedre til dialog med praktikere, politikere, journalister og eksperter på andre felter? Så er træning vejen frem. Publicér har mange års erfaring med at udvikle og gennemføre workshops. Marianne Bom er fast underviser af ph.d-studerende på KU Sund og har trænet forskere fra de fleste danske universiteter, Region Sjælland og internationalt i forskningspartnerskabet PARC.
As a researcher you need the skills to communicate clearly and to the point in a lot of situations: When interacting with scientists and experts in other areas; when writing applications; giving oral presentations; interviews to journalists; posts for social media; when interacting with different stakeholders outside of academia.
To gain impact, you need strong communication skills.
Publicér has trained researchers from most Danish universities, from the Region Zealand, and internationally from the PARC partnership. According to their evaluations, the participants find our workshops very useful and can recommend similar workshops to other researchers.
We offer tailor-made workshops, since the need for training and the time available vary from place to place. We also offer a two-day workshop, which has been approved for ECTS by PhD committees at six Danish universities.
Relevant for:
Specialists in the private and public sector, PhD-students, postdocs, senior scientists, professors.
Further info and booking
Journalist Marianne Bom, +45 262 82341,
Tailor-made workshops
Once your group of has completed an introduction to the basics of research communication, you can continue the training by focusing on the subjects most relevant for you.
• Communication leadership: Defining the impact goals and the needs for training in the organisation.
• Strategic communication: How strategic communication and planning can help you reach your stakeholders.
• Know your core story: Defining your ‘raison d’être’ and how to tell your core story to relevant target groups.
• Written research communication: How to target, frame and write in a language easy to understand.
• Oral research communication: Learn how to present your work or your idea in two minutes and open up for dialogue.
• LinkedIn or other social media: What is your purpose of being there, type of content, planning and producing.
• Media training: How to interact with the media.
Two-day workshop approved for ECTS
Publicér has developed a two-day effective research communication workshop which has been approved for ECTS-points at six Danish universities. In this workshop you practice how to communicate your own work to any relevant target group. You learn from journalism how to prepare your communication to perform with excellence when giving oral presentations, writing for a broad audience, posting on social media, or collaborating with the media. If you want to gain impact this is what you need.
The course is a two-day workshop building on the principles of ‘learning by doing’. You are invited to participate actively in a comfortable learning environment, where you and the fellow participants discuss, cooperate and inspire each other. The workshop is dynamic, demanding and entertaining: Brief theoretical and practical instructions by the lecturer are followed by individual work or group work on issues like:
• How to get your message through to your audience
• How to do a successful oral presentation or a video presentation
• How to translate a specialist's language into a language understood by the general public
• How to work with the press
• How to plan your strategic communication, become noticed, and gain impact
The workshop has gained top ratings from the participating researchers.